A Philippine Human Rights NGO providing Psychosocial Services and Rehabilitation to Internally Displaced Persons and Survivors of Torture and Organized Violence.


Psychosocial Development and Advocacy Response Program for Internally Displaced Persons (PDP-IDP)

This  program mobilizes psychosocial support to communities  displaced  by  armed  conflict   and   socio-natural disasters.  It  provides special  attention on  children and  women by  promoting child-friendly spaces and  education-in-emergencies.  It  facilitates the   formation  of  self-help  groups  of  women and strengthens the  network of  youth  peace advocates in  security challenged communities as well.  It also trains duty  bearers on psychosocial support in emergencies and disaster risk reduction and management.

This program also advances humanitarian protection by lobbying for the enactment of the IDP Protection Law and facilitating the access of civilians to justice by empowering and linking them with agencies that have a mandate to prevent internal displacement and secure civilians from harm.

Psychosocial Development and Advocacy Response Program for Survivors of Torture and Organized Violence (PDP-STOV)

This provides psychological, social, medical and  legal  assistance to  survivors of torture and their family members. It particularly caters to individual and groups at risk of being tortured, notably the political  prisoners, other  conflict-related detainee, and the young  people in poor  urban neighborhoods. It advocates for the full implementation of the Anti-Torture Law, the  establishment of  a national torture preventive mechanism, and  the  effective implementation  of the  national program for the rehabilitation of torture victims.