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The BALAY Rehabilitation Center, Inc. is an organization that practices psychosocial rehabilitation and is committed to the promotion and protection of human rights. It particularly provides psychosocial services and advocacy support to persons deprived of liberty due to political circumstances, survivors of torture and other forms of organized political violence. This includes political prisoners and individuals and communities displaced by wars and armed conflicts. It also provides services to survivors of massacres and extra-judicial killings and their families.
BALAY supports young people at risks, particularly children in situations of armed conflicts and those who have encountered torture and other forms of state violence. It lends humanitarian assistance to those displaced and stricken by natural disasters as well, subjects to its capacities and resources.
The organization upholds the integrity of all human beings as it respects the interconnectivity of the different forms of life. It aspires for a society where the right and dignity of every person is respected; and where the people are free to express their ideas and political viewpoint and can exercise without fear of oppression their options for social, economic and cultural development.
BALAY envisions a society where peoples of different ethnicity and faith, including the children and young people, are living a meaningful life free from fear and want and discrimination. A society where the people can exercise informed citizenship and practice a culture of peace as they strive to attain the development of their full human potential.
In pursuit of its vision, BALAY will establish partnerships with other groups and organizations and will work with the people that it serves to achieve healing, empowerment and development. It will devote its psychosocial expertise and resources to promote the wellbeing of its partners and contribute to the attainment of human security and peace in the communities that it serves and the entire society.