A Philippine Human Rights NGO providing Psychosocial Services and Rehabilitation to Internally Displaced Persons and Survivors of Torture and Organized Violence.
Social workers and staff who manage facilities for child offenders participated in psycho-education activities to promote their well-being and dissuade them from resorting to ill-treatment and cruel or degrading form of punishment as a way to discipline their clients.
Jail managers in western Mindanao have affirmed their commitment to promote torture-free jails during the training of wardens on human rights held in Dapitan in Zamboanga del Norte from June 12-14, 2019. The three-day activity was organized by Balay Rehabilitation Center in partnership with the regional office of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) based in Pagadian City.
Balay hailed the passage of the bill that grants a total of 17 rights and fundamental freedoms to human rights defenders during the plenary session of the House of Representatives on June 3. The bill got the unanimous approval of 183 lawmakers on the final reading.
An inter-agency working group that seeks to promote child protection and address issues related to gender-based violence is in the process of being instituted to the newly formed Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), with Balay Rehabilitation Center as a member of its core group. The working group will be formally known as the Joint Regional Child Protection and Gender-based Violence Working Group or the Joint JRCPGBVWG.