STATEMENT: MyPeace-Boses ng Kabataan: On the Restoration of the Deleted and Amended Provisions and the Immediate Passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)- BTC Version

Now is the time to enact the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)-BTC Version in fulfillment of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB) and the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB)!
We believe that while the safety and protection of civilians in Lanao del Sur, North Cotabato, Maguindanao and other conflict-affected affected areasin Mindanao need to be ensured, and the problems of lawlessness and ‘violent extremism’ have to be addressed, we must not lose focus on the true and deeper aims and aspiration of the Bangsamoro.
We are concerned that a version of the BBL that strays away from the draft promulgated by the Bangsamoro Transition Commission (BTC) might become another statistic of lostopportunity and failed agreements. Unless this is avoided, we fear that the sufferings, especially of the young people, will continue, adding new chapters to the historical injustices and, thus, drivingother groups that espouse armed struggle to push us deeper into a never-endingscourge of deadly violence.
We are apprehensive of the scenario that the federal agenda of the government might put into the sidelinethe passage of a BBL version that is acceptable to the Bangsamoro and other stakeholders. We are keen on understanding the wisdom of federalism, but the enactment of the law that will correct the historical injustices and truly fulfill the right to self-determination of the Bangsamoro must not take a back seat while government policy makers grapple with the idea of changing the form of government from unitary to a federal system.
While the BBL-BTC versionmay not be the end-all of the inherited and interconnected problems of the Bangsamoro today, we firmly believe that this will create an enabling environment where the Bangsamoro and other stakeholders could nurture the seeds of peace, freedom and prosperity.
Hence, guided by our belief in the primacy of the peace process, the principle of non-discrimination, and the protection of the safety, dignity, and human rights, we urge President Duterte and thedistinguished Representatives and Senators who are members of the Bi-Cameral Committee:
- To restore the deleted and amended provision of the BBL-BTC Version;
- To acknowledge the urgency of the passage of the BBL-BTC Version as an important measure for the Bangsamoro people;
- To continue to uphold and respect the peace process and its mechanisms;
- To fulfill the commitments to achieve peace in Mindanao; and
- To support community efforts and initiatives in disseminating the BBL-BTC Version and its implications on governance and the people’s lives.
We ask the lawmakers to uphold a version of the BBL that sustains, among others, the following provisions and principles:
- The creation of the Bangsamoro as a new autonomous political entity that would replace the (ARMM) in fulfilment of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) that the government and the MILF signed on March 27, 2014;
- A basic structure of governmentthat will truly realize the right to self-determination of the Bangsamoro people and has the power to ensure that the control over the use and disposition of the natural resources and revenue generation will redound to the benefit of its constituencies;
- A basic law that respects the freedom of choice of other indigenous people and rejects discrimination on the basis of identity, religion, and ethnicity;
- A BBL that assures the participation of Non-Moro Indigenous People and Christian Settler communities for the protection of their rights and welfare, including providing for their reserved seats in the Bangsamoro Parliament as provided for in the BTC version;
- A Bangsamoro government that ensuresa plurality in the justice system; and guarantees the participation of women, youth, traditional leaders and other sectors’ right to participation in governance in the Bangsamoro Transitional Authority (BTA) and in the regular Bangsamoro Government; as well as the creation of a Bangsamoro Human Rights Commission.
- A BBL that shall undergo a process of ratification wherein residents of the core territories and neighbouring areas shall be asked if they will join the new political entity, taking into account the provisions in the version crafted by the Bangsamoro Transition Commission.
We believe that through the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law–BTC version would hold high the hope that a durable solution, lasting peace and true development will eventually reign for the Bangsamoro and other stakeholders.
MyPeace Member Organizations
- University of Southern Mindanao (USM) Chapter- Kabacan, North Cotabato
- Southern Christian College (SCC) Chapter- Midsayap, North Cotabato
- Lampagang-Bagumbayan-Damawato (LamBaDa) Youth Organization- Tulunan, North Cotabato
- GiNaPaLaDTaKa (G7) Youth Organization- Pikit, North Cotabato
- Bagolibas Youth Muslim Christian Organization (BYMCO)-Aleosan
- Dualing Youth Organization (DuaYO)-Aleosan
- Dunguan Islamic Youth Organization (DIYO)- Aleosan
- Lower Mingading Islamic Youth for Peace Organization (LMYPO)- Aleosan
- Pagangan Young Leaders Organization (PYLO)- Aleosan
- Tapodok Active Youth for Peace Organization (TAYOPO)- Aleosan
- ChrisLam (Christian & Islam) Youth Organization- Midsayap
- Malingao Islamic Youth for Peace Organization (MIYPO)- Midsayap
- Mudseng Islamic Youth Organization (MIYO)- Midsayap
- Nabalawag Young Leaders Organization (NYLO)- Midsayap
- Palongoguen Bangsamoro Christian Youth for Peace Organization (PBCYPO)- Midsayap
- Rangaban Youth Organization (RYO)- Midsayap
- Lumpukan nu KangudansaLibutan; saLalawg a Kalilintad (LKLLK)- Mamasapano Maguindanao
- Suwara nu Kangudan; Salindaw nu Madakel (SKSM)- Mamasapano Maguindanao
- KangudansaTukanalipao; Ungayanen e Kambayabaya nu Bangsamoro ST UKB)- Mamasapano Maguindanao
- Bialong Islamic Youth Organization (BIYO)- Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao
- Suwara nu Kangudan; Sigay nu Brgy. Lapok (SK-SBL)- Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao
- Singanen nu Kangudan, a Pinagedan nu Madakel (SKPM)- ShaiffAguak, Maguindanao
- MYPEACE Silik High School Chapter- Pikit, North Cotabato
Supported by Allied Organizations
- SuaraKalilintad- Pagalungan, Maguindanao
- United Youth for Peace and Development (UNYPAD)-Cluster 2
- SuwaraPaguntawalsaLalaog a Kalilintad (SPLK)- Bangsamoro Core Group; Midsayap, North Cotabato
- Cotabato Center for Peace and Development Initiatives, Inc. (CCPDI)- Carmen, North Cotabato
- BALAY Rehabilitation Center, Incorporated
The MyPeace-Boses ng Kabataan, through the encouragement and support of Balay Rehabilitation Center, was formed in January 2008 by a group of youth leaders from different background and peace networks all over island of Mindanao. Today, we stand with 23-member organizations in communities and schools in North Cotabato and Maguindanao, and with individual affiliates in Bukidnon, Iligan City, and Zamboanga City.
MyPeace believes in cultural diversity and conflict transformation. We promote community-based peace building, and practice inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue. We train young people to serve as peace educators, human rights advocates, and community leaders.
MyPeace believes in the capacities and the right of young people to participate in peace work in Mindanao.We envision a peaceful, bountiful, cohesive and functional communities - insightful of its people’s culture and religion as unifying factors for sustainable and inclusive development.